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First-in-class gene therapy targeting rare ischemic limb diseases with excellent market potential and no existing substitutes


Therapeutic area
Current phase
Pre-clinical PoC
Method patent in USA, EU, CA, JP, KR, CH, IN, IS, AU & NZ (2038)

Ambulero is a C-Corp company, formed in mid 2019 by Dr Velazquez and Dr Liu, from the University of Miami, and Ventac Holding as shareholders. Ambulero received an exclusive worldwide license to Dr Velazquez’s and Dr Liu’s innovations from the University of Miami. Ambuleros’ mission is to develop a pipeline of new gene therapy products to treat ischemic limb diseases. In particular, they are focused on rare vascular diseases such as Buerger’s Disease (BD), peripheral artery disease (PAD) and critical limb ischemia (CLI).


Combining Orphinic Scientific know-how of conducting clinical trials in CEE and access to required patient’s populations and Ambulero company expertise in gene therapy development will ensure the successful approval and commercialization of treatment for Buerger’s Disease.


Currently there are no entirely satisfactory FDA approved therapies for BD, because of this the market is severely underserved:

  •   Immediate Need for approximately 5,000 high risk BD patients annually in the US alone
  •   Annual cost for amputation alone for BD patients is estimated at 500 m USD.
  •   Post amputation care increases overall costs by 300 th USD per patient, or 1.5 bn USD in total costs.
  •   Amputation and post amputation care is the highest cost contributor in the categories within BD cost, amounting to a total of 2 bn USD combined direct costs.
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