Analgesic formulation involving well-understood painkiller enhanced to allow for smaller doses with preserved efficiency and reduction of side effects related to it
TM is an opioid-focused project founded by Orphinic Scientific S.A. in 2020. The venture was formed to foster the development of an innovative therapy based on an analgesic pharmaceutical composition for oral administration, the concept originally sourced from the Medical University of Warsaw. The new invention is the result of 20 years of experience in the area of pain management and 10 years of intensive work by a team of outstanding scientists led by Professor Magdalena Bujalska-Zadrożny. The project received its first funding from the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR) in the amount of 10 mln PLN.
Our Innovative solution for pain management involves a new drug formulation containing tramadol and magnesium booster. This combination provides the pain relief qualities of the opioid analgesic, further strengthened by the boosting effects of the magnesium compound. Currently, this solution is representing the Technology Readiness Level 8.
Comparative Advantages are:
The size of the market for Tramadol reached USD 235 million in 2019. 64 736 units of Tramadol-derived drugs were sold in the EU in 2019. It is estimated that Osteoarthritis, the primary indication for Orphinic’s TraMag®, affects about 40 million people in Europe.