Turning drug development process into opportunity through efficiency

Orphinic Scientific is a biopharma holding which builds value through innovative clinical development process.

4 pillars of Orphinic Scientific

Whether you are an investor or you create a promising project, we understand that what matter to you...


We seek the biotech equivalent of diamonds in the rough, which we then polish with our unique skillset to uncover their greatest value before we introduce them to the market.
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„…Orphinic is not a sum but a multiplication of our experiences…”
We are passionate about creating unique and innovative solutions in life science.
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We have three core competencies:

  • Selection of the most promising projects in: Therapeutics, MedTech and e-Health
  • Verification of research hypotheses at the stage of clinical trials using our associated-CRO
  • Partnering or transacting the assets to large pharmaceutical players.
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Global reach

We seek projects all over the world, focusing on:

  • Polish biotech ecosystem
  • Central and Eastern Europe ecosystem
  • Leading global Universities, Accelerators and Incubators
  • AI tool to access attractive projects before large institutional investors
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3 core strengths





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Why to get involved into Orphinic ecosystem?

Our portfolio development model is considered the future of biotech financing and operations.
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Why to apply for support from Orphinic?

We actively manage our portfolio and help to create above-average value growth potential
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